May 08, 2022 Restored #2: Beyond 2nd Chances Speaker Vincent Rife No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, We say and do the wrong thing, and sometimes we hurt oursel... Scripture: John 4: 4-28
May 01, 2022 Restored #1: New Beginnings Speaker Vincent Rife No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, We say and do the wrong thing, and sometimes we hurt oursel... Scripture: John 21
June 20, 2021 Hey Siri Legacy Question Speaker Vincent Rife Your life is more than random, disconnected events. It's a story being written. Whether it's a thoug... Scripture: Genesis 45:1-8
April 11, 2021 Strong in the Broken Places Under Pressure Speaker Vincent Rife How do some people take the raw material of a deck stacked against them & make a winning hand ou... Scripture: Acts 18:9-11
October 11, 2020 Befriend Your Enemies (Those Who Vote Against You) Speaker Vincent Rife What if we simply treated one another the way in which we would like to be treated? What if we didn'... Scripture: Matthew 5:43-48
September 20, 2020 Befriend The Shamed Speaker Vincent Rife We’re on a journey with Jesus, learning from him what it looks like to befriend and create belonging... Scripture: John 8:1-11