October 11, 2020 Befriend Your Enemies (Those Who Vote Against You) Speaker Vincent Rife What if we simply treated one another the way in which we would like to be treated? What if we didn'... Scripture: Matthew 5:43-48
October 04, 2020 Befriend The Least Speaker Vincent Rife In a world filled with judgment, division, isolation, and fear, Jesus invites us to be a people who ... Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46
September 27, 2020 Befriend The Anxious and Stressed Speaker Vincent Rife Often when we are feeling anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed by life, it’s because we've taken on re... Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30
September 20, 2020 Befriend The Shamed Speaker Vincent Rife We’re on a journey with Jesus, learning from him what it looks like to befriend and create belonging... Scripture: John 8:1-11
September 13, 2020 Befriend The Other Speaker Vincent Rife Befriend, a new sermon series, where we will learn from Jesus the value of building relationships wi... Scripture: John 4:5-10