November 28, 2021 Christmas Presence #1: Unfailing Love & Faithfulness Speaker Vincent Rife God once came to Moses in a burning bush, to Job in a powerful whirlwind, and God even met Jonah in ... Scripture: John 1:1-5, 10-14
July 18, 2021 The Gift of a Sacred Summer The Gift of Love Speaker Lorraine Carroll The Spiritual Practice of love: God is love and Jesus calls us to love one another which will identi... Scripture: John 13:34-35 and; I John 4:7-9
June 06, 2021 Hey Siri The Relationship Question Speaker Vincent Rife There's a question you can ask yourself that will bring inescapable clarity to just about every rela... Scripture: John 13:31-35
September 20, 2020 Befriend The Shamed Speaker Vincent Rife We’re on a journey with Jesus, learning from him what it looks like to befriend and create belonging... Scripture: John 8:1-11
September 13, 2020 Befriend The Other Speaker Vincent Rife Befriend, a new sermon series, where we will learn from Jesus the value of building relationships wi... Scripture: John 4:5-10