


The Children’s Ministry of Grace exists to partner with parents in guiding children to become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

For children 4 and under, the Grace Little Kids & Nursery is open during the in-person service, providing child care and a Special Circle time. For those kids who stay in the sanctuary, there is a PrayGround with quiet toys and activity clipboards for older kids.

Children's Church is now offered in-person is offered during service for children in grades K-5th grade. All Children's Ministry volunteers are screened and background checked. For more information, click the Get Connected button

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Youth Group (Middle & High School) is in-person on Sundays from 12 noon - 1:30 pm, following the 10:30 am Worship Service.

The mission of the Youth Ministry at Grace is to develop authentic faith and Christlikeness through biblical teaching, fellowship, and service to the church and our community. ALL are welcome. Our desire is to put into action - loving our neighbor as ourselves - which we believe will expand the Kingdom of God in our community. For more information, click the Get Connected button.

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Christian spiritual formation is the ongoing process by which we partner with God to become more like Jesus Christ in every aspect of our character and being. It’s not about how much we know, it’s about who we are becoming.

We have adult bible studies, small groups and classes to promote spiritual growth, many of which are meeting virtually at this time. For more information, click the Get Connected button.

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