April 11, 2021 Strong in the Broken Places Under Pressure Speaker Vincent Rife How do some people take the raw material of a deck stacked against them & make a winning hand ou... Scripture: Acts 18:9-11
December 06, 2020 Acts: The Next Chapter Final Words Speaker Vincent Rife Imagine at the end of your life that you have one last conversation with the people you love. What w... Scripture: Acts 20:18b-24
November 29, 2020 Acts: The Next Chapter Wholehearted Speaker Vincent Rife Life can be difficult and sometimes even painful. In response, we search for things to bring us comf... Scripture: Acts 19:11-20
November 22, 2020 Acts: The Next Chapter Facing Our Fears Speaker Vincent Rife More often than not, its not one thing that happens to us, but rather one thing after another that b... Scripture: Acts 18:1-11
November 15, 2020 Acts: The Next Chapter Culturally Relevant Speaker Vincent Rife Every person on planet earth seeks meaning and purpose for their lives. We long for comfort and secu... Scripture: Acts 17:22-31
November 08, 2020 Acts: The Next Chapter The Best and Worst of Times Speaker Vincent Rife “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of fo... Scripture: Acts 16:16-34
November 01, 2020 Acts: The Next Chapter No Short Cuts Speaker Vincent Rife We so often value the destination more than we do the journey itself. We like fast and easy because ... Scripture: Acts 14:8-24
October 25, 2020 Acts: The Next Chapter Competing Voices Speaker Vincent Rife Every day we are inundated with a variety of messages from a multitude of different sources. And man... Scripture: Acts 13:4-12
October 18, 2020 Acts: The Next Chapter A Chosen Instrument Speaker Vincent Rife What if the current interruption you keep resisting is the very catalyst that God wants to use to re... Scripture: Acts 9:1-9
September 06, 2020 25 Remembered Speaker Vincent Rife This sermon is in effect a letter to the church at Grace, as Vincent Rife reflects on the 25 years h... Scripture: Acts 20:16-24