August 21, 2022 Wait. . .What? #2: Power Speaker Pastor Vincent Rife The wisdom of Jesus is quite often puzzling. In many ways, it runs counterintuitive to how we think.... Scripture: John 6:14-15
April 17, 2022 EASTER MESSAGE A Better Ending Speaker Vincent Rife In any good story, there will always be an interesting plot, compelling characters, and an unforesee... Scripture: Mark 16:1-8
September 26, 2021 Rebuild Facing Our Fears Speaker Vincent Rife Every day when we read the latest stories in the news we are reminded and even bombarded by the fact... Scripture: Nehemiah 2:1-10
March 14, 2021 Into the Wilderness In Over Our Heads Speaker Vincent Rife Inevitably, life storms come our way. They may take the form of a broken relationship, a lost job, a... Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33
November 22, 2020 Acts: The Next Chapter Facing Our Fears Speaker Vincent Rife More often than not, its not one thing that happens to us, but rather one thing after another that b... Scripture: Acts 18:1-11
April 19, 2020 FearLess FearLess Speaker Vincent Rife The most often repeated refrain in scripture is: BE NOT AFRAID. But what do you do when a global pan...