August 21, 2022 Wait. . .What? #2: Power Speaker Pastor Vincent Rife The wisdom of Jesus is quite often puzzling. In many ways, it runs counterintuitive to how we think.... Scripture: John 6:14-15
March 20, 2022 INVITATIONS #7: Put Down Your Sword Speaker Vincent Rife Invitations come to us daily in all shapes and sizes. We’re invited to parties, weddings, sleepovers... Scripture: Matthew 26: 47-56
December 19, 2021 Christmas Presence #4: Peace Speaker Vincent Rife God once came to Moses in a burning bush, to Job in a powerful whirlwind, and God even met Jonah in ... Scripture: Luke 2: 8-14
August 08, 2021 The Gift of a Sacred Summer The Gift of Gratitude Speaker Vincent Rife If you find yourself focused on things that are stealing your joy, robbing your sleep, and shrinking... Scripture: Philippians 4:4-7
July 25, 2021 The Gift of a Sacred Summer The Gift of Justice Speaker Vincent Rife Justice is rooted in the character and nature of God. As God is just and loving, we are called to do... Scripture: Luke 4:16-21
February 07, 2021 A World of Difference Islam Speaker Vincent Rife When you hear the word Muslim or Islam, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is Islam a relig... Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:11-20
December 24, 2020 Let there be Joy Good News of Great Joy Speaker Vincent Rife We celebrate the birth of Christ and discover the things that make for peace and usher in great jo... Scripture: Luke 2:8-14