November 21, 2021 Rebuild The Hidden Heroes Speaker Vincent Rife The rebuilding process in any area of life can often be full of unforeseen challenges. Along the way... Scripture: I Thessalonians 5:14-18
September 05, 2021 The Gift of a Sacred Summer Unwrapped, Unopened Gifts Speaker Vincent Rife Think about some of the best gifts you've ever received. But imagine how different your life would b... Scripture: Colossians 3:12-14
August 08, 2021 The Gift of a Sacred Summer The Gift of Gratitude Speaker Vincent Rife If you find yourself focused on things that are stealing your joy, robbing your sleep, and shrinking... Scripture: Philippians 4:4-7
September 06, 2020 25 Remembered Speaker Vincent Rife This sermon is in effect a letter to the church at Grace, as Vincent Rife reflects on the 25 years h... Scripture: Acts 20:16-24