July 10, 2022 #5: Unanswered Prayer Speaker Vincent Rife Honestly, we all have doubts. And so often we think of them as the opposite of faith, but what if ou...
March 13, 2022 INVITATIONS #6: Pray Speaker Vincent Rife Invitations come to us daily in all shapes and sizes. We’re invited to parties, weddings, sleepovers... Scripture: Luke 22:39-46
November 14, 2021 Rebuild The Priority of Prayer Speaker Vincent Rife The rebuilding process in any area of life can often be full of unforeseen challenges. Come join us ... Scripture: Nehemiah 9:1-8, 32-38
October 17, 2021 Rebuild Worth Fighting For Speaker Vincent Rife The rebuilding process in any area of life can often be complicated, difficult, and full of unforese... Scripture: Nehemiah 4:1-16
September 19, 2021 Rebuild Broken Speaker Vincent Rife It is one thing to restore a car or renovate a home and quite another to rebuild a life. And yet eac...
March 28, 2021 Into the Wilderness God Forsaken Speaker Vincent Rife Come join us as we join Jesus at the cross in his final, dying moments and discover that things are ... Scripture: Matthew 27:45-51
March 21, 2021 Into the Wilderness Alone Speaker Vincent Rife Come join as we learn from Jesus how to deal with those moments in life where we are consumed by dar... Scripture: Matthew 26:31-45