August 23, 2020 Making Sense of Slavery, Misogyny & Traditional Family Values Speaker Vincent Rife Have you ever had a time in your life where your understanding of the Bible and your faith were at o... Scripture: Acts 10:9-17a
August 16, 2020 Making Sense of The Death of Jesus Speaker Vincent Rife One of the most important questions that anyone considering the Christian faith seriously must ask i... Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
August 02, 2020 Making Sense of Contradictions between Faith and Science Speaker Vincent Rife Vincent talks about the creation story relative to science. Scripture: Genesis 1:1-8
July 26, 2020 Making Sense of A Violent God Speaker Vincent Rife Vincent talks about difficult passages and stories in the Bible. Scripture: Genesis 6:5-7
July 19, 2020 Making Sense of The Bible Speaker Vincent Rife Vincent begins his series on tough topics from the Bible. "The Bible is a story from beginning to en... Scripture: II Timothy 3:14-17