The Happiness Experiment

THURSDAY, NOV. 9th   6:30 – 8:30pm

w/Pastor Vincent

We all want to be happy, but so often it seems to elude the vast majority of us. We think that if we get a better job, make more money, get into or out of a relationship, lose some weight, etc. that we will be happy. But a great deal of scientific research, bears out that only about 10% of our happiness hinges on the accumulation or acquisition of stuff or people.

However, the same research reveals that 90% of our happiness has to do with the lens through which we look at the world. So, if you want to be happier than you currently are, come join us in the Happiness Experiment, where you will be given specific practices designed to help shape/reshape the lens through which you look at your life and the world differently and experience the happiness that is God’s gift to you just waiting to be unwrapped. 


Nov 09 2023


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Grace Christian Church