Origin of the O.T: How Did We Get Here?
Origin of the Old Testament: How Did We Get Here?
(1 Week: Thursday, November 07 – 6:30pm – 8:00pm)
Facilitated by Pastors Vincent & Lorraine Carroll
(Youth Rm)
For those who have embraced the idea that the Bible in its original form is perfect and unchanging, the answer to the questions of how and why the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible arose is simple: it came directly from God to humanity. Any errors and discrepancies are the result of careless transcribers. However, as Dr. Peter Enns explores in this class, the historical evidence demonstrates the answers to these questions are, in fact, much more complicated. Join Dr. Peter Enns as he examines the convoluted, lengthy, and messy origins of the Old Testament.
Origin of the O.T