A Personal Invitation
The wilderness is not a place that many of us gravitate to. It is not a hot spot or a destination where we make our Airbnb reservations in advance. Rather, it is a profoundly disorienting space. A space where we feel alone, afraid, and even lost. And yet, for anyone who has logged any time in the wilderness, they know that it can also be the very place where lasting growth and transformation can occur.
Come join us over the next 6 weeks during this Lenten season as we travel “Into the Wilderness” together, for the purpose of intentionally looking at and listening to our lives, clearing away the clutter and distractions, and making room for the Holy One to surprise us and lead us out into a new and living way. The title of this 1st message is called: A Personal Invitation and the scripture passage is Matthew 3:1-12.
Creator God,
you prepare a new way in the wilderness
and water the desert.
Help us to recognize your hand
working miracles beyond our imagining.
Open our hearts to be transformed
by the new thing you are doing,
so that our lives may proclaim
the extravagance of your love for all,
and its presence in Jesus Christ. Amen.