Beloved Community


Beloved Community ministry

NJTogether (Monmouth County) – We challenge ordinary people in New Jersey to identify problems facing their neighborhoods & cities, connect individuals & organizations to multiply their power, and mobilize people to bring about change.

New Jersey Social Justice Remembrance Coalition – The NJ Social Justice Remembrance Coalition is working with the Equal Justice Initiative to have a Remembrance Marker installed at the site of the lynching of Samuel Johnson in Eatontown.


Grace periodically puts forward the following initiatives and programs:

Color of Compromise – 12 week, video/discussion group

How to Fight Racism – 10 week, book study/discussion group

Be the Bridge: “We Need to Talk” for People of Color


Fuller Institute – Spiritual Practices for the Journey

For people of color – Healing Racial Trauma

Be the Bridge

Our vision is that people and organizations are aware and responding to the racial brokenness and systemic injustice in our world. People are no longer conditioned by a racialized society but grounded in truth. All are equipped to flourish.BTB – 16 Bridge Building Tips for White PeopleDownload

Here are some resources recommended by BTB: Resources

Embrace Race

At EmbraceRace, we identify, organize – and, as needed, create – the tools, resources, discussion spaces, and networks we need to meet 4 goals:

  • Nurture resilience in children of color
  • Nurture inclusive, empathetic children of all stripes
  • Raise kids who think critically about racial inequity
  • Support a movement of kid and adult racial justice advocates for all children

The King Center

We prepare global citizens to create a more just, humane and peaceful world using Dr. King’s nonviolent philosophy and methodology (Nonviolence365®).

Smithsonian – 158 Resources to Understand Racism in America

This page will be updated regularly. Please check back for more resources and courses.