Beloved Community ministry
NJTogether (Monmouth County) – We challenge ordinary people in New Jersey to identify problems facing their neighborhoods & cities, connect individuals & organizations to multiply their power, and mobilize people to bring about change.
New Jersey Social Justice Remembrance Coalition – The NJ Social Justice Remembrance Coalition is working with the Equal Justice Initiative to have a Remembrance Marker installed at the site of the lynching of Samuel Johnson in Eatontown.
Grace periodically puts forward the following initiatives and programs:
Color of Compromise – 12 week, video/discussion group
How to Fight Racism – 10 week, book study/discussion group
Be the Bridge: “We Need to Talk” for People of Color
Fuller Institute – Spiritual Practices for the Journey
For people of color – Healing Racial Trauma
Our vision is that people and organizations are aware and responding to the racial brokenness and systemic injustice in our world. People are no longer conditioned by a racialized society but grounded in truth. All are equipped to flourish.BTB – 16 Bridge Building Tips for White PeopleDownload
Here are some resources recommended by BTB: Resources
At EmbraceRace, we identify, organize – and, as needed, create – the tools, resources, discussion spaces, and networks we need to meet 4 goals:
- Nurture resilience in children of color
- Nurture inclusive, empathetic children of all stripes
- Raise kids who think critically about racial inequity
- Support a movement of kid and adult racial justice advocates for all children
We prepare global citizens to create a more just, humane and peaceful world using Dr. King’s nonviolent philosophy and methodology (Nonviolence365®).
Smithsonian – 158 Resources to Understand Racism in America
This page will be updated regularly. Please check back for more resources and courses.