The Gift of Silence
One of the most important lessons to learn as a person of faith is how important it is to make time and space for being alone with God and with what’s real in our lives—to celebrate the joys, grieve the losses, sit with the questions, feel our anger, and attend to our loneliness.This practice is essential for not only renewing our perspective, but so too reviving our soul, and restoring our lives. So, come join us as we unwrap the gift of solitude and silence and explore how this gift makes such an experience possible.
O God, as we come to worship you this day, Un-crowd our hearts.
Until silence speaks in your still, small voice;
Turn us from the hearing of words, and the making of words,
And the confusion of much speaking,
To listening, To waiting, To stillness and To Silence.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.