Where is Faith in Our Constitution?

Tuesday evenings from Oct. 18 – Dec. 6  (7 wks.)   7:00-8:15 pm
HYBRID CLASS NOW   In-Person & Via Zoom ….contact Craig at cuplinger2@gmail.com

Facilitated by Craig Uplinger — newly retired HS teacher of History, and past recipient of America’s most prestigious James Madison Fellowship Award in constitutionl history and government for secondary teachers.  (email: cuplinger2@gmail.com)

In the first six weeks, our class will consider the design of the United States Constitution.  Week one begins with the indispensable values of leadership, civil discourse, and political compromise illustrated at the Philadelphia Convention of 1787.  The next five weeks will explore the origin and evolution of important Constitutional principles such as popular sovereignty, citizenship, and rule of law.  In week seven, with a growing understanding of Constitutional principles and design, the class will address directly – Where is Faith in our Constitution?

Each class will include historical background, illustrations, current issue application, and productive discussion rooted in the great constitutional tradition of civil discourse.  Look forward to seeing you Tuesday evenings!

The event is finished.


Nov 08 2022


7:00 pm - 8:15 pm

Next Occurrence