The Integrity Question
On a daily basis, each of us are tasked with making so many decisions. Some of them are simple and others quite complex. But all of them become a permanent part of the story we are writing about our lives. In carefully considering the story we want to tell, we will be looking each week at a series of questions that will serve as a safeguard for helping us to make better decisions and have fewer regrets. Come join us as we look at the first question which deals with being honest with ourselves.
Lord, we welcome you to join us
As we gather in various places together
To worship you.
Help us to be open, to stay open, to relax.
Take from us any tension
that makes peace impossible.
Take from us the fears
that cause us to miss You.
Take from us the worries
that blind our sight.
Take from us the cares
that hide your joy.
Help us today to know
that You are with us,
that we are in your care,
that we are in your love,
that you and we are one.