April Showers, Blessings and Fun!

April Showers, Blessings & Fun!
WOMEN of Grace Event
Saturday, April 24
4 pm – Via Zoom

 Hello Ladies,

Hope you will mark your calendars now, and plan to join us on the 24th.  We have another wonderful time planned!

We won’t give everything away now, but we can tell you that one part of our time together will be devoted to playing a fun game: “2 truths, and a lie!” We thought this would be another good way to get to know each other just a little bit more.  Just think something about yourself; maybe places you have visited, or experiences you have had, or dreams, etc. –you get the picture! Then figure out 2 true things, and 1 thing that is not true. EXAMPLE here:

  1. I lived in Italy for 10 years when I was younger.
  2. I have 3 kids and 8 grandkids
  3. My favorite hobby/sport is riding horses.

 Look forward to seeing you on Saturday, April 24th at 4 pm.

(Please register below for the zoom link.)

Questions? Contact Raquel Cartagena at rbcartagena@gmail.com

Here is the link in case you forget to register, but best to register if you can so we know who is coming!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 894 4297 5814
One tap mobile
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Meeting ID: 894 4297 5814
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keDx8XEM7H

The event is finished.


Apr 24 2021


4:00 pm


Via Zoom