A Welcoming & Affirming Church

A Welcoming & Affirming Church
3 Sundays in October: 1-15   (6:30-8:00pm)

w/Pastor Vincent and the Elder Board

Over the course of this past year, the board of elders have committed a great deal of time working together on how we as a church will endeavor to move forward in relationship with members of the LGBTQ community. We have studied scripture, explored how other churches have engaged this community, met with other local church clergy, prayed together, listened to—and learned from— one another about what we believe to be God’s will for our church.

After months of discernment, we are in unanimous agreement that our church would be a place of welcome and full inclusion for our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. In response to God’s unconditional love for all people made known to us in Jesus Christ, we believe that we are called to be a welcoming and affirming community.

We want Grace to be for them what it is for everyone. A place where they can bring their full self. A place where they can be known and loved, and we can have the joy of being known and loved by them. A place where our LGBTQ brothers and sisters are involved in the community, ministry, and work of this church at every level of leadership.

We envision a future where we can all journey together, follow Jesus, & demonstrate God’s love to all people. We believe this is in keeping with the vision of our church, which is to be a Christian community where transformation is continual, differences are celebrated, and love is central.

We recognize that we, as the elder board, have been engaged in discussion and discernment for some time, but that our conversation with all of you has only just begun. And so, we invite you to continue the journey with us and to bring whatever questions you may have as we gather for 3 Sunday evening meetings on October 1, 8, and 15, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm, which will allow us some time to continue to listen, pray, reflect, discuss, discern and learn what the implications are for us at GCC as we move forward together.

October 01: Meeting #1 – Introduce decision for full inclusion; set expectations; frame concerns; share scripture/study; frame timeline for process; Q & A

October 08: Meeting #2 – Re-affirm ground rules; sharing of personal journey with the issue; Q & A; provide list of resources for learning

October 15: Meeting #3 – Small group table discussions; Case study; Q & A; Next Steps

Grace & Peace to all of you!

The Elder Board









The event is finished.


Oct 08 2023


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm