I Love to Wonder

Do you ever wonder what goes on during GraceKids Sunday School? Well, wondering is what we do a lot of. God is huge and expansive and so is the bible. Full of stories and teachings. Full of messages and encouragement. And wondering questions help kids to dive into the text and see themselves in the stories. Celebrate Wonder is the …

Saving Souls One Sole at a Time

God’s Global Kids ZBS made an impact around the world. This year’s VBS, which was all on zoom, empowered kids as change-agents for Christ. Our mission project partnered us with Soles4Souls.org, an organization that turns unwanted shoes and clothing into opportunity. S4S keeps these items from going to waste (and into landfills) and putting them to good use – providing …

Good Books on our Nightstands

BeFriend (from our current sermon series) – We live in a world where real friendship is hard to find. Suspicious of others and insecure about ourselves, we retreat into the safety of our small, self-made worlds. Now more than ever, it’s easy to avoid people with whom we disagree or whose life experiences don’t mirror our own. Safe among like-minded peers and …